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Mind & Media has won over 330 awards in communications excellence.

2 Regional Emmys
68 Communicators
41 Horizons
35 Tellys
17 Hermes Creatives
17 MarComs


News and Announcements from Mind & Media

On the Road with DREAM

Public-Awareness, Video
November 2014—Over the last few months, Producer/Director Aldo Bello has been on the road with his latest feature-length documentary film, DREAM: An American Story. Screenings have been held in New York, Florida,…

Mind & Media Wins Two Regional Emmys

June 2014—On Saturday, June 14, Mind & Media was awarded two National Capital Emmys for their documentary series DREAM: An American Story. The two Emmys were awarded in the following…

Aldo Bello Nominated for Two Capital Emmys

May 2014—Producer/director Aldo Bello was nominated for two Capital Emmys by the National Academy of Television Arts and Sciences, National Capital Chesapeake Bay Chapter. In the Public/Current/Community Affairs – Series…

Mind & Media Wins Telly Award

April 2014—Mind & Media is proud to announce that a video we produced for the US Army Engineer Research and Development Center (ERDC) has won a bronze Telly award. The…

Mind & Media Joins Alexandria Chamber of Commerce

January 2014—Mind & Media is pleased to announce we have joined the Alexandria Chamber of Commerce. The COC advocates for Alexandria business interests as well as supports and promotes a variety…

Gold Pixie Awards for Mind & Media Videos

January 2014—Mind & Media is pleased to announce that we have won two Gold Pixie awards from the American Pixel Academy: “What Does Your Retirement Look Like?”, one of Mind…

SCA Website Launched

January 2014—Mind & Media recently developed a website to help the Sustainable Communities Foundation (SCF) advance their mission to foster sustainable development on a global scale. The website, at,…