When Kansas National Guard (KSNG) realized they had more suicides than combat deaths, the Resiliency Center was established to address the needs of Guard members and their families for training in psychological resiliency. Mind & Media was asked to create a one-hour DVD training that could be viewed at home or used at drill as a training and discussion aid. Because the 18-25 year old demographic is considered most at risk, the DVD needed to appeal particularly to this age group.
Mind & Media created a unique training DVD that includes interviews with experts talking about how resilient people behave compared to non-resilient people, and how these behaviors can be learned. In addition, Guard members and family members provide testimonials about how they handled particular stressors in their lives. An on-camera host ties all the learning concepts together.
To add interest and texture to the training, the learning points are interspersed with vignettes from a fictional story following five young Guard members as their central hero, “Jack,” finds his life spiraling out of control. Viewers see each person’s reactions to what is happening to Jack as well as how they are handling the pressures in their own lives.
“Resiliency for Life” garnered a Platinum MarCom Award immediately upon its release. More importantly, it’s getting high praise from the field. The DVD will provide an easy way to distribute this critical information to Kansas Guard members, and is being considered for nationwide release.