Recruiting Volunteers for TBI Research

Client: Center for Neuroscience & Regenerative Medicine

Mind & Media’s recruiting strategy and supporting media tools help CNRM increase the pool of potential research volunteers for their scientific studies on psychological health and traumatic brain injury.

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Center for Neuroscience & Regenerative Medicine (CNRM) faces challenges recruiting Service members to take part in studies about psychological health and traumatic brain injury. Mind & Media provides communication consulting and media development for the Center’s recruiting campaigns.

In our first project, Mind & Media developed a recruiting strategy and tools to help CNRM meet its study goals. In our report, Mind & Media identified ways the Center can overcome misperceptions about clinical trials and better attract volunteers in a competitive marketplace. Mind & Media also provided a mock-up of an online recruitment registry to help ramp up volunteerism.

Following that, we developed recruiting tools and reports, including:

  • Effective recruiting posters
  • “Meet the Researchers” video
  • Audience analysis, content plan, and graphic design for a revised website
  • Website promotion plan, including plans for effectively using Facebook and Twitter

CNRM implemented our recommendations with excellent results. They now have Facebook and Twitter accounts that drive interested people to their new, effective website.

Most recently, we produced a video to educate clinical trial volunteers on what to expect, recruit and educate new volunteers, and drive traffic to the Center’s website. We produced the video in both full-length and in shorter clips that work well for social media sharing.

Services Provided:

  • Recruiting Strategy
  • Video Production
  • Web Design
  • Print Design

Content Areas:

  • Traumatic Brain Injury
  • Psychological Health

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