Teaching Employees to Avoid Cyber Attacks

Cyveillance, Inc.

Mind & Media uses compelling storytelling techniques to impress upon learners the gravity of cyber threats and how to protect themselves and their companies.

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Deployed to over 1,000,000 people at 40 organizations!

Cyveillance—a world-leader in cyber security—provided effective classroom-based training for their customers’ executives. The course’s success was due mainly to the storytelling skills of the presenter. When Cyveillance asked Mind & Media to help them develop a shorter online version for use with all customer employees (potentially millions of people worldwide), we knew we had to capture that dramatic excitement with video.

Services provided:

  • Copyediting
  • Web-based training
  • Video production

Content areas:

  • Cyber safety
  • Phishing
  • Malware

Working with Cyveillance subject matter experts, Mind & Media created a compelling online training experience.

Mind & Media:

  • Condensed and reorganized existing classroom materials into short modules
  • Created scripts and slide content for effective online delivery
  • Videotaped presenters and integrated the footage with moving and still text, photos, and graphics
  • Designed an attractive user interface
  • Programmed interactive exercises to engage and challenge users
  • Published the course for delivery on corporate Learning Management Systems
  • Updates the content yearly to reflect the current threats
  • Creates customized versions as needed by Cyveillance customers

Delighted with the results, Cyveillance deployed the course to over 1,000,000 people at 40 organizations. “Cyber Safety 101” won the APEX Grand Award, Horizon Interactive Gold and Silver Awards, a MarCom Platinum, and the Summit Emerging Media Leader Award.

Let us help you train your employees!